What’s on

News, Events and Resources about TURN.

TURN and the Blockchain Boom: Navigating the New Era of Financial Data Management

As the world braces for the blockchain revolution, TURN (The Universal Reporting Network) stands at the vanguard, embracing the disruptive[...]

What is TURN (The Universal Reporting Network)?

TURN (The Universal Reporting Network) is a European Regulatory and Operational data Blockchain. It was established by TISA (The Investing[...]

Asset Management

Pioneering a New Era in Asset Management

TURN: Pioneering a New Era in Asset Management In the fast-paced sector of asset management, efficiency isn’t just desirable—it’s essential.[...]

Precision in Numbers: Elevating Asset Management with TURN’s Data Accuracy

In the high-stakes world of asset management, data isn’t just numbers on a screen—it’s the compass that guides decision-making, the[...]

Data Distributors

Streamlining Success: How TURN is Revolutionising Data Management for Distributors

In the financial services industry, distributors are the vital link connecting asset managers to the marketplace. Their role demands not[...]